How to maintain your shock absorbers?

Shock absorbers are essential elements for the proper functioning of a car. Their failure therefore affects the latter, and road holding, wheel grip and driving comfort become problematic, at the limit non-existent. In order to prevent these problems, it is advisable to regularly maintain this mechanical device, adopting certain habits and making visits to a professional.

What role do shock absorbers play?

As part of a vehicle's suspension system and to maintain contact between the wheels and the ground, shock absorbers are automotive components that provide driving comfort and an optimal level of safety for the driver. On the road, contact between the wheels and potholes or bumps causes a collision that affects the automobile. Thanks to the suspension system, the strength of this meeting is limited thanks to the springs. The role of shock absorbers is to contain the rebound effect created when energy passes through the elastic elements, in order to keep the wheels stable, and to prevent vibrations in the car's interior.

Why maintain the shock absorbers?

The quality of a vehicle's braking is directly related to the good condition of this device, since it promotes optimal grip on the ground when the driver brakes. To do this, it is essential to maintain it, in order to guarantee a reassuring overall level of security. When the shock absorbers are properly maintained, the vehicle is less prone to spinning and aquaplaning, just as the braking distance is greatly reduced when the ground is wet. Similarly, tires and suspension parts wear less quickly. The driver also benefits from a better driving experience and passengers are comfortable.

How to maintain the shock absorbers?

Maintenance consists much more of repeating certain actions and paying attention to certain signs that are generally precursors to shock absorber malfunction. For example, running a car through the test bench every 20,000 km to check the condition of the springs and suspension system is an effective maintenance measure. In addition, it is recommended that after 80,000 km distance, the crash cushions be changed. Ideally, this change should be carried out by a professional, who can do it properly, choosing the most appropriate mechanical device, depending on the type of car. From a technical point of view, the option of a shock absorber replacement specialist represents a definite safety guarantee, given the latter's expertise in this field. Is also a maintenance measure of crash cushions, the attention paid to certain noises that are often the prodromes of a potential malfunction? These warning signs include flickering of the bodywork, reduced steering and braking efficiency. These are factors that, like others discussed on, have a negative impact on the normal functioning of a car. In addition to these signs, to maintain the shock absorbers, attention must also be paid to possible oil leakage, abnormal tyre wear, oxidation of a rod and cylinder deformation. To this must be added the need to be attentive to a creaking of the impact reducers, which usually occurs when the car is driven on a deformed pavement. In any case, when tremors, and unusual signs begin to appear, it is preferable to take the vehicle to a mechanic, who will detect the origin of the anomaly and determine whether it is related to the condition of the shock absorbers.  
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